Friday, July 02, 2004

And the winners are . . .

Chapel Perilous' Bsti just reminded me the deadline has arrived for the Posthuman Blues button design contest. All of the entries were pretty damned good. While I was really impressed with all of Bsti's animated designs -- and may well use one someday, with his permission -- I've decided that Kara (aka SpaceTramp) deserves top honors along with the tireless Sauceruney.

For their efforts, Kara and Saucer get signed copies of the bound-for-review, "in progress" version of "After the Martian Apocalypse."

Kara's design wins by virtue of its deceptive simplicity and eye-pleasing use of color.

Saucer's design says a lot and says it very nicely. It's the posthuman condition in a nutshell.

Thanks to all contestants. I ended up gravitating to the "static" (non-animated) buttons. If that hadn't been a deciding criterion, Bsti would have likely run away with it. So I'm brainstorming for a suitable Honorable Mention prize.

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