Wednesday, August 25, 2004


"Other footage includes several women who had a very clear view watching the second plane hit were yelling, 'That wasn't American Airlines....It wasn't American Airlines going into the building.' These interviews were played that morning once on FOX News, never to be replayed again, despite the massive saturation and repetition by the media for many days to come."

Quite honestly, I don't know what to make of these claims. I don't know enough about jet aircraft or structural engineering to make an educated determination about what, precisely happened on September 11, 2001. Yes, there seem to be anomalies. I don't think for a moment that we've been told the entire story.

But was it really an "inside job" in the conspiracy-mongering sense? And if it were, then why risk blowing it by using improper planes that could be identified as such by anyone watching? The mind reels. And maybe that's the point: Create a locus of such overwhelming confusion and duplicity that only the most fervent "nuts" will begin to make sense of it all.

I think the '00s will be looked back on as the "Philip K. Dick decade."

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