Thursday, September 30, 2004

Carol, commenting on a prior post, writes:

"Mac, it sounds like you may be experiencing entoptics, a phenomenon I've been having increasing for about 10 years now. There's some evidence it is associated with a rise in theta brainwaves, and in my experience that includes a bit of psychic opening and a whole lot of synchronicities. There has been work tying it in with cave art patterns, possibly as a way of inducing the state as part of shamanic work."

Needless to say, I'll take a look at the links she provided to see if what I've experienced is related. Whatever it is, it hasn't let up. Imagine being surrounded by a vaguely glistening amalgam of flesh and metal; that's what it looks like. Also, I recently experienced a lucid dream so intriguing that I stayed in bed till past noon to see it through to its "conclusion."

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