Monday, September 27, 2004

Huge Asteroid to Fly Past Earth Wednesday

"The space rock, named Toutatis, will not hit Earth, despite rumors of possible doom that have circulated the Internet for months. Humanity is very fortunate there won't be an impact, as the asteroid is large enough to cause global devastation. Toutatis is about 2.9 miles long and 1.5 miles wide (4.6 by 2.4 kilometers)."

Still I wonder: If a space-rock capable of "global devastation" were to be heading ominously our way, would the Powers That Be let us know? The one study about this particular end-of-the-world scenario I'm aware of suggests they wouldn't.

So maybe Toutatis is in fact heading irrevocably toward a colorful collision with this increasingly toxic blue-green ball we call "Earth." Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Just think -- no more suicide bombings, muck-raking political campaigns or "Precious Moments" figurines. Best of all, no more Jack Chick.

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