Sunday, September 12, 2004

OK. Flying triangles ("FTs") are becoming an increasingly common sight. Meanwhile, the distribution of sightings indicates that these enigmatic craft are probably a "skunk-works" aerospace project. The paradox is that the FTs are apparently being deployed over large population centers, which would appear to mitigate against their being "ours" -- after all, why risk crashing a secret test aircraft near a busy interstate highway or in the middle of a suburb?

A triangular UFO photographed over Belgium.

Assuming for the moment that the bulk of FT sightings can be attributed to terrestrial engineering, what's going on? Either the FTs' high visibility is desired (possibly for psy-ops reasons the likes of which I don't have space to deal with here) or else FT sightings are the inevitable by-product of an actual tactical agenda. I'm not sure which possibility is more disturbing.

What perceived threat would necessitate ubiquitous low-flying FTs near or over American cities? What sort of "mission" is being carried out, assuming we're not witnessing so much high-tech joy-riding?

Is this a form of invasion? Given documented mind-control technologies and the high probability that some UFO abductions have actually been staged by the CIA, it's worrying to think what the FTs represent.

Or I might be misreading the correspondence between FT sightings and Air Force bases. The triangles may indeed be alien, drawn to AF bases for reasons unknown. A show of technological might, perhaps? Some kind of alien-government liaison? I don't think it's especially likely, but it's not impossible . . .

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