Wednesday, September 22, 2004


"The human brain appears to have a receptor for such stories, as for opiates, because the neo-doomsday crowd never lacks an audience. Just now, a lot of people again imagine the world ending very soon." (Via The Anomalist.)

This is tricky territory. Because yes, there's a ton of bullshit "end of the world" memes swarming all over. But the risk exists that while discerning neo-eschatologists chortle knowingly, we might miss an authentic threat. Worlds do end, after all; take a good look at Mars or Venus.

Also, who says the world has to end with a bang? Our planet is being recklessly poisoned, and the effects can seem innocuous enough until a critical threshold is reached. It's quite plausible that we'll go out with a whimper. No pyrotechnics necessary.

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