Sunday, October 31, 2004

NASA photo analyst: Bush wore a device during debate

"Dr. Robert M. Nelson, however, was not laughing. He knew the president was not telling the truth. And Nelson is neither conspiracy theorist nor midnight blogger. He's a senior research scientist for NASA and for Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and an international authority on image analysis." (Thanks to The Anomalist and Chapel Perilous.)

This is so totally phildickian. Now that you can actually see the structure of the device beneath the suit the mystery gets a lot more interesting. It's obviously a mechanical gizmo. And equally obvious W. was lying.

But what's it for? Is it a radio descrambler (as popularly assumed) or something weirder? Is the Resident rigged to self-detonate? Is he packing a "suit nuke"?

Or maybe it's an intravenous delivery system. You know, the one that fills him with shit.


  1. or its a microphone. does anybody ever stop to listen to Bush? If anybody with any brain power listened to him, there is no way he can reiterated these speeches day after day through memorization. He has to have an earpeice and words being put into his mouth. HE HAS TO. The only real connection Bush has to the past is to the Queen of England. And, the n comes in the Queen's past. You see? One more thing, that thing on his back could be used so he stands straight, or so he focus on his back instead of getting nervous. The only conspiracy that exists is that this country is built on things most people don't realize. Have a nice day.

  2. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I angrily object to any suggestion that infers a vessel may hold more material than it physically encompasses . The case in point is the object held in thrall by the master drive sammiched between fine tailoring and weak flesh . That woe begotten flesh is rotten with what ordinarily would be described as post toxic crap levels . Diminishing the value of a harmless peace loving drive with the malevolent crap toxic flesh which corrupts is an unkindness unbearable . That is all .
