Saturday, October 02, 2004

Now reading: "Driving Mr. Albert" by Michael Paterniti. I got this for $3.98 at the bargain rack this evening.

Oh, yeah -- and some guy on the street gave me a check. No kidding. He just handed me a check and thanked me for accepting it! I have it here in front of me as I write. It's from an organization called "The Bank of Eternal Life," and it's made out to "Whosoever Believeth," which I guess is me -- although the sum ("Eternal Life") has me a bit confused. Especially as the check doesn't appear to be signed . . . although it does bear the printed name of one Mr. Jesus Christ.

You know, the more I look at this the more skeptical I become. What do you want to bet it bounces?

Now playing:

1.) Vauxhall and I (Morrissey)
2.) The Wishing Chair (10,000 Maniacs)
3.) So (Peter Gabriel)
4.) Life's Rich Pageant (R.E.M.)
5.) Singles (The Smiths)

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