Wednesday, October 06, 2004

"While Cultural Creatives are a subculture, they lack one critical ingredient in their lives: awareness of themselves as a whole people. We call them the Cultural Creatives precisely because they are already creating a new culture. If they could see how promising this creativity is for all of us, if they could know how large their numbers are, many things might follow. These optimistic, altruistic millions might be willing to speak more frankly in public settings and act more directly in shaping a new way of life for our time and the time ahead. They might lead the way toward an Integral Culture."

I'm effectively a "cultural creative," I guess. (It's certainly a more palatable term than "weirdo.") But I'm not sure if I fulfill the CC criteria for optimism; I'm too dire, too apocalyptic, and all-too-often excessively bitter. Do I still get to join the club?

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