Sunday, November 14, 2004

Dire Al Qaeda Threat Amid CIA Turmoil

"Meanwhile, a small Arabic-language website is reported to have posted what is believed to be a message from Al Qaeda to the effect that the organization possesses at least one nuclear weapon and is poised to detonate it in the center of the US. The report comes from the respected Italian news organization la Reppublica. It has been ignored by US media."

A nuclear attack in the "center of the US" would make a great deal of sense, if any of this report is for real (and, ironically, since the US media has ignored it, I'm inclined to think it might be). A nuclear blast in the Heartland -- say, in Kansas City or Chicago -- would polarize the country against the perceived Al Qaeda menace as no coastal city attack could. It would clearly communicate that the country has been infiltrated, that our geographical borders are transparent and our leaders incompetent to enforce them.

The good news: If I'm vaporized in a nuclear blast, I suppose I can stop worrying about the Greenhouse Effect.

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