Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Obligatory thoughts on the election

George W. Bush is a particularly obstinate turd in the increasingly stressed bowels of the American zeitgeist. But don't take my word for it . . .


"If you voted for George Bush then it's your own fault if you don't have health care; it's your own fault global warming continues unabated, wrecking the world for your grandchildren; it's your own fault your job will be outsourced; it's your own fault that terrorism will only get worse, because Bush will feed those fires; it's your fault that a fanatic religious cult will finish taking over the White House; it's your own fault that you're going to lose your civil liberties."

Four More Years (Dan Gillmor)

"Our civil liberties will shrink drastically. This president and his top allies in Congress fully support just one amendment in the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment's right to bear arms. Say goodbye to abortion rights in most states. Roe v. Wade will fall after this president pushes three or four Scalia and Thomas legal clones onto the Supreme Court. Say hello, meanwhile, to a much more intrusive blending of church and state."

Disclaimer: Appearances aside, Posthuman Blues is not becoming a political blog. Frankly, I think all that can be said about Bush and his cronies has already been said, or will be said, and I'm perfectly happy to abandon this sad fuck and his destructive antics for the foreseeable future.

Welcome to idiocracy.

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