Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Top scientist asks: is life all just a dream?

"However, many scientists have always been dismissive, saying the universe was far too complex and consistent to be a simulation."

On the other hand, if our universe is a simulation engineered by a superhuman intelligence, how can we realistically expect to be to be able to discern the very inconsistencies that would betray its actual nature? "Too complex"? Sure, the universe is complex. But perhaps only to us -- and of course, according to simulation cosmology, we're enmeshed in the construct.

I'm reminded of a powerfully lucid dream I had a week ago. I was walking up a sidewalk (based loosely on an actual sidewalk up the street from my apartment) reveling in the narcotic realization that everything I was experiencing was "simply" a dream. I actually stopped and looked around, every bit as purposeful and "conscious" as I am while awake, savoring the dream-ness of it all.

Later, I tried the same mental exercise while awake. And for a moment it seemed like everything around me had the same ontological substance as the sidewalk in the dream, threatening to dissolve. Of course, it didn't; that's why I'm here typing this. But who's to say some other mental state couldn't shatter the programming of the "real" world -- assuming that all of this is a clever technological illusion capable of being "hacked"?

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