Monday, December 20, 2004

Campaign of deception used to push patriotic song up charts

"The Bumper of My SUV, which was written by Wright, tells how she was driving down West End Avenue in Nashville in her SUV when someone saw her bumper sticker supporting the troops and made an obscene gesture. The song calls for support of the troops no matter what a person thinks of the war in Iraq."

You know how professional wrestling comes with the disclaimer "sports entertainment" -- meant to discourage the credulous from thinking the matches are anything but rehearsed skits? In a similar vein, I think certain kinds of music should be labeled "music entertainment." "Young country" is one of them. It's always been stupid; now W's Iraq War has pushed it hurtling past the threshold of self-parody. ("The Bumper of my SUV"? Jesus!)

Rap -- generally artless and formulaic -- is another form of "music entertainment." "Gangsta rap" devotees buy Snoop Dogg CDs for image, not aesthetic virtue. Britney Spears? More "music entertainment." Same with Marilyn Manson and other contemporary "goth": sheer gimmick with little or no redeeming substance.

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