Saturday, February 26, 2005

I got a new chair for my "office"/living room today. It's big and black and intimidates my cats, who are used to napping on my old, less-impressive chair (which I've relegated to the bedroom for their exclusive use). I was watching Ebe, my tabby, warily explore the chair's perimeter and was reminded of the protohumans in the first part of "2001," who tentatively circle the alien Monolith until one of them musters the courage to actually touch it. Cue "Thus Spake Zarathrusta."

I'm reading Paul Von Ward's "Gods, Genes, and Consciousness." I have the feeling it's going to be a fairly excruciating experience, intellectually, but at least Ward is a good writer. And of course it helps that I can digest "fringe" lit without falling victim to the desire to unconditionally believe (or categorically refute) every bizarre meme lobbed my way.

Yesterday I finished Greg Bishop's "Project Beta," an up-close look at the role of disinformation in the UFO community: fascinating subject; awkward execution. Even so, I recommend it. (For my review, click here.)


  1. Mac,

    I hope Von Ward's book is better than the crap that Zechariah Sitchen has written. IMO Sitchen's books really are crap (unfortunately, I didn't discover this until after I purchased one of his books). Let me know if you think _God's, Genes and Consciousness_ is worth reading. I've been curious about it myself.

  2. As of right now, I'm tempted to think "Gods, Genes, and Consciousness" is a more intelligent take on Sitchin's home turf; I seriously hope it's not mere regurgitation. But it's too early to tell. I'll let you know.

  3. Anonymous5:36 PM

    maybe they are autistic cats..and dislike new things etc. When riding in Scotland we were told to be watchful as we passed some newly planted tree ferns because they were new for the horses and they might react badly.


  4. Austistic? Nah. Sheltered? Yes.

  5. Anonymous7:51 PM

    YOu git a cat?! Watch out for Toxoplasmosis, a BAD scene!

  6. Um . . . want to elaborate or is this something I don't *want* to know about?
