Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Triangle UFOs are Everywhere

"One theory holds that the black triangles are experimental military blimps or balloons, perhaps equipped with electrokinetic propulsion systems, which would make them silent. The military has never confirmed the existence of such balloons, but according to many UFO websites, Lockheed Martin did begin work on a triangular stealth blimp in 1982. NIDS issued a report in August 2004 suggesting that the black triangles may be some kind of military aircraft, though the truth about them is not known."

It's no real secret that "black ops" defense projects revel in sensational claims if it means averting public eyes from sensitive projects . . . but could the military be brazen enough to openly test something as potentially radical as the "black triangles"? How certain is it that sightings will continue to be chalked up to alien activity and quietly dismissed by the media? Even the ufological "laughter curtain" will fall, given enough witnesses.

Flying triangles, unlike secret aerospace projects, often behave like they want to be seen, appearing over highways and houses. Even if the craft in question are "merely" stealth blimps, why risk a mishap near a suburb when test flights could be just as easily be conducted in the Nevada desert?

Or maybe we're not seeing "test flights" at all; maybe the triangles are on active duty. It's where they're on duty that concerns me, regardless who they belong to.


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I saw a documentary on the triangles and it dabbled in the stealth blimp theory as well (well more like a speculative show on some things UFO). Why would a stealth blimp 'want' to be seen? Isn't the point of being stealth not to be seen? When I was in florida i saw a black triangle and was not the only one to witness it (about 7 years ago). We saw it fly over us silently at dusk, make a u-turn and head back in the direction it came from. It had the same lights described in most of the eyewitness accounts. The really weird part was that there was a glowing red projectile (or at least thats what it seemed like) that headed toward the triangle on its 'return' trip. The projectile extended out into a long red streak and the back end of its tail caught up with the front and the 'projectile' turned a dim amber color and tailed the triangle until it was out of sight. We were having a cook-out in my friend's back yard and about 5 or 6 of us saw it including my friend's 5 year old boy who we had to convince that what he saw was two planes and not a 'rocket ships',as he put it, to get him to stop crying. I think in some sort of analogous way the government keeps knowledge of these things a secret because they are afraid that the populous will act like that crying 5 year old boy who couldnt wrap his mind around what he saw. Maybe in the time of 'War of the Worlds' we wouldve acted that way, but 5 year old boys do grow up and I think we are at that point where we can understand AND accept it.

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    That's a fascinating story. How fast was the triangle traveling? I think this may be one major clue to the nature of these beasties. (From your description, info, it sounds slow.) A "stealth blimp" (or, quite possibly, helium derigible) would not be capable of supersonic speeds, I wouldn't think. So relatively slow motion on the part of these triangles would seem to indicate that they ARE "ours." And yes, the government DOES treat us like little children, not just in this but in just about everything else too, a great weakness of our society, not likely to change any time soon unfortunately.

  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Did a bit of research to answer my own question. Turns out, yes, the black triangles are almost always reported as moving slowly, a major point in favor of the "stealth blimp hypothesis," since classic UFOs tend to dart about and make abrupt right-angle turns at hypersonic speeds. As to why, if this is a so-called "black op," the government is flying these things so openly? My answer is that it is a PSYOP; basically, an experiment in social control. Prediction: they will eventually even starting "abducting" victims. You tax dollars at work folk, supporting our government's pretending (not without justification) to be aliens from outer space!

  4. Anonymous10:44 AM

    yes the triangle was moving slowly ... certainly not as fast as a plane, WM, the projectile moved fast ,then streaked, then moved slower to trail the object

  5. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Interesting about the projectile, info. Thanks. Again, guessing, could it have possibly been a pilotless drone? This might mean the triangles are experiments in surveillance. They're the "mother ships" for pilotless surveillance drones!

  6. Anonymous8:34 AM

    careful WM!! You dont want men from an undisclosed agency showing up at your house!! We dont speculate here in america, as Bill Hicks said about our government 'You are free, to do as we tell you'

  7. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Listen, I already worry about all those anti-Bush messages I posted on the Yahoo News boards! But if/when they come for me, at least please let me be taken up into a Black Triangle. That way, I'll solve the mystery for myself anyway, even if I never return to tell anyone else.
