Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

"It's happening again . . . woke up this morning to clear blue skies here in the lower Hudson Valley . . . three hours later, the entire sky is criss-crossed with chemtrails, and there are three or four planes up there continuing to lay them down . . . these are NOT contrails . . . the patterns have no relationship to the flight paths in or out of New York airports, but literally cover the entire sky . . . someone is spraying something, and I'd sure love to know just what it is, who's doing it, and why . . ." (Via The Anomalist.)

My favorite theory is one I haven't actually heard yet: Extraterrestrials are secretly "terraforming" Earth -- beginning by tweaking our atmosphere to alien standards. (Ever seen "The Arrival"?)

A more benign -- and more plausible -- explanation for genuinely anomalous contrails is that someone is attempting to minimize global warming by spreading high-albedo particulates.


  1. "Chemtrails," like crop circles, are probably at least 90% hype. It's that other 10% that intrigues me...

  2. Here's a New Scientist article about how the lack of contrails affected the climate.

    The thing that keeps me skeptical about this is that theoretically I should be seeing chemtrails, since I'm often in areas where they are frequently reported. So far, though, I haven't seen anything that was clearly not a contrail. Still, I'm not calling BS on it.

  3. I think most of us -- including myself -- are ill-pepared to say what's strange and what's normal when it comes to "chemtrails." After all, there's no lack of air traffic. Even so, I think there have been some intriguing sightings that might be more than normal contrails, but isolating them from the "noise" is going to be grueling work.

  4. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I read somewhere (news article should have kept but didn't -- I think posted on Fortean Times) that some researcher actually counted chemtrails vs. sighted airplanes and came up with many, many more chemtrails than planes, something like a 10:1 ratio! (But then, I don't believe everything I read.)

  5. Well, it's just not true that contrails always evaporate quickly. In the right (and not terribly rare) conditions, they can persist for many hours. Perhaps that could explain why there could be more trails than planes -- each plane is making more than one trail because its old ones are still around when it takes off again.

  6. Anonymous11:05 PM

    each plane is making more than one trail because its old ones are still around when it takes off again.

    But then the plane would (presumably) be counted twice.
