Sunday, March 27, 2005

I didn't blog on Friday because I was on a date. I had a good time, too. And get this: She'd taken a look at my website before getting together and didn't call it off. I can't help but think some kind of award is in order.


  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Mac: Let me know if you need any romance advice. Stop by the gym and I'll show you a few of my signature moves! I'll put a bra on a tackling dummie and we'll hav esome fun. Here's a free tip: Act real nice to her, then grab the remote and say "I forgot about the game!" Chicks love that kinda thing.

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM

    dont forget about slapping her on the ass and saying 'How's about getting me another beer baby?' That one usually works too, that way they feel like they are living up to their full womanly potential of serving their man.

    But anyways Mac, dont be so hard on yourself, maybe she's into the whole fringe phenomena thing(excuse the term I just cant think of something better to encapsulate the site). "Hey baby, wanna have an out of body experience?" or maybe try this one "Wanna play abduction?" That last one can lead you to all sorts of places (probes, mixed species babies, etc etc etc.)

    Any plans on seeing her again? (seriously)

  3. Thanks for the "advice."

    Yes, I think we're going to see each other again. I hope so, anyway.

  4. Anonymous11:38 AM

    [waves hi to Mac's new friend]

    Don't mind the Neanderthals, we just keep them around to open up stuck jar lids when we can't find the rubber disk thingy.

  5. Anonymous2:19 PM

    we just keep them around to open up stuck jar lids when we can't find the rubber disk thingy.

    If it involves anything in the kitchen, it's woman's work.
