Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I had an extremely lame UFO sighting last night. I was in bed watching my cat on the windowsill when I noticed a small light in the sky moving roughly in the direction of my apartment. It moved just like an airplane (which it almost certainly was). As I waited for it to get closer it vanished. Or at least it turned out all its lights -- something I don't recall seeing any planes doing. I considered that maybe it had actually "vanished" behind a cloud, which is as good an explanation as any.

In any case, it didn't reappear (at least from my point of view). And bear in mind that I observed the probable aircraft without my glasses, so I can't judiciously assign a "strangeness rating." So I'm left with a lone nocturnal light; not exactly "Close Encounters" material.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I actually saw something strange outside the window of an airplane at night. I was looking outside at the stars as I wanted to see what the stars were like without light pollution, although ironically I couldn't see that many due to light reflecting off the airplanes window.

    I then noticed a very quick flash of light which seemed to be going downwards. It was so quick I wasn't sure if I even actually seen it or if it was just some light from inside the cabin quickly reflecting off my window. Or was it a small asteroid entering the atmosphere?
