Monday, March 21, 2005

IMAX theaters Reject Science Shows under Religious Pressure

"While the number of protests is small -- perhaps a dozen or fewer IMAX theaters -- the effect could be significant because only a few dozen IMAX theatres exhibit science documentaries, according to an article Saturday in The New York Times."

I've maintained from the beginning that the unspoken reason for the Hubble's impending demise at the hands of the Bush administration is its awkward tendency to refute Fundamentalist creation cosmology (in which, sadly, there is no cosmos). IMAX documentaries are easy prey by comparison.


  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

    "I've maintained from the beginning that the unspoken reason for the Hubble's impending demise at the hands of the Bush administration is its awkward tendency to refute Fundamentalist creation cosmology (in which, sadly, there is no cosmos)."

    That's a plausible explanation. But then, why does Bush want a space program that focuses on returning human beings to the Moon and then On To Mars? (Actually the single thing I think he's done right if he's serious, which is questionable.) Wouldn't discovering life on Mars REALLY put the kibosh on creationism?

  2. I think the Moon-Mars stuff is clearly about the militarization of space.
