Wednesday, March 30, 2005

It's 2015. The One World Government has taken over. Electrogravitic attack saucers hover at every street corner and surveillance robots scan the retinas of passersby with unseen lasers.

Suddenly someone breaks from the herd. A shot rings out as a black-uniformed Friend of Freedom raises his weapon . . .


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I felt a sting in my thigh like a particularly outsized mosquito had decided to taste-test a capillary. ID sniper dart! I knew it had been a mistake to try and break free of the sheeple in such a public setting. (Rule One of the Rebellion: Always, always, always behave like one of the sheeple.) Now they'd know when I was alone and they'd track me and find me and.... Only one thing to do. Merging with the sheeple again, now virtually invisible VISUALLY, I took out my metal World-Citizen passcard, and with the edge I'd secretly filed to razor sharpness began to dig. Success! There the little sucker was in all its diabolical miniturization like a high-tech tick. And luck! There was that stool-pigeon Stan Obal just a few crowd-bodies away. I sidled close to him keeping my face turned away and with a quick, accidental seeming brush, planted the bug on him then moved quickly away....

  2. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Hey, when I was a kid I remember feeling stings like that occasionally, and on my thigh too. No marks though, and no buzzing of an insect at the time, and no mosquitos either. I always wondered what it could be that stung me right through jeans fabric, and now I know. Don't think we had the technology at the time though, but the dastardly aliens would probably stoop at nothing to keep track of us humans. All in the name of science.

  3. The aliens are *always* watching!
