Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Predictions 2005: Year of the Death Wish (by Whitley Strieber)

"That this darkness has been allowed to take hold in this free country--this place devoted by its founding fathers to hope and freedom and the extension of human happiness--is not because of a lack of environmental leadership or a failure of scientific endeavor. The leadership is crying out, increasingly, in justified terror. The science being done in this area around the world is exemplary and ferociously convincing."

Accuse Strieber of melodramatic fear-mongering if you wish, but I'm afraid his scenario is truthful and prescient. If you haven't read "Nature's End," the science fiction novel he co-authored with James Kunetka (on the heels of "Warday"), I encourage you to do so.


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    So this is what happens every 62(+3) million years then? I'm guessing that the most important preparation would be to ensure that there'll be crops that can survive the changes in the climate. And a lot of humans might have to die so that those that remain won't exhaust the much reduced food supply.

  2. Anonymous8:14 PM

    The best screed against Rapture Theology I've read.

  3. I thought it was pretty good, too. He was smart to point out that the current breed of apocalypic Christianity is a new phenomenon (relatively) that turns Jesus into a real fire-and-brimstone jerk.

  4. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Jesus can come across as one bad Dude when it comes to the Last Judgment. No more Mr. Nice Guy! I particularly like WS's focus on the fact that the whole Rapture and End Times business is an absurd fantasy that would be laughable if the consequence wasn't total blindness to the impending ecological/environmental crisis.
