Saturday, March 12, 2005

Rejoice! Bibleman is here!

"For the past decade, 'The Bibleman Adventure' video series has thrilled millions and set the standard for action packed family home entertainment. Bibleman's spectacular battles against the flamboyant villains of Darkness are an exciting way to introduce your children to the Bible and the power of God's Word. Here at you'll find special web discounts, exclusive DVD packages and Bibleman tour updates. Check back often for the latest on everything Bibleman." (Via Beyond the Beyond.)

Bibleman appears to be Jesus mated with the Terminator by way of the Power Rangers. Sure, the Son of God can walk on water . . . but does he wear chrome body-armor?


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Bibleman looks like an Imperial storm trooper on acid, appropriately enough. Believe that God created the world in 7 days 6009 years ago or I'll slice you cleanly in half!

  2. I wish they sold Bibleman Halloween costumes.
