Monday, March 28, 2005

Two new additions to the "Blogs I Like" list (found on the right-hand sidebar):

1.) Longtime ufologist Kevin Randle's A Different Perspective. Randle is a UFO "believer," insofar as he thinks some UFOs are alien craft; he's also one of the most visible proponents of the Roswell crash. Surprisingly, Randle is a staunch debunker of alleged alien abductions and claims of human-alien contact. His book "The Abduction Enigma" is probably the best skeptical examination of the phenomenon to date.

2.) Kenn Brown and Chris Wren have begun posting graphical outtakes and miscellaneous phantasmagoria on the Mondolithic Sketchbook. If you frequent your local news-stand, the overwhelming odds are that you've encountered their work before, notably in "Wired," "New Scientist," "Discover," and, more recently, "Maxim" (!) -- just to name a few. Awesome stuff. Kenn also supplied the photorealistic Mars mission patch for my book "After the Martian Apocalypse."

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