Saturday, March 12, 2005

US report acknowledges peak-oil threat

"'World oil peaking is going to happen,' the report says. Only the 'timing is uncertain'." (Via American Samizdat.)


  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Interestingly, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor because we placed an oil embargo on them.... WWIII is looking more and more like it will arise out of competition for dwindling oil resources.

  2. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Heh... you think it isn't already starting? Why do you suppose Bush was up north awhile back getting chummy with Canada? They're currently our #1 supplier of imported oil. Thing is, China's gettin' chummy with Canada too, because they want Canadian oil as well, and that makes Bushco nervous. Oh yea... China's been buddying up with Iran as well. Notice how they've really grown balls lately in the face of Bushco's noising about their uranium enrichment program?

    And let's see... Venezuela is currently our second-largest supplier. Chavez makes Bushco very nervous; in fact he believes the recent attempt on his life was U.S. sponsored and he has warned that anymore actions against him or Venezuela will directly result in their embargoing oil to the U.S. and U.K.

    Next comes Saudia Arabia and the Middle East et al., and I think we all know what's been happening on that front (hint: "War On Terror" is a euphemism)...

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I'm just wondering how much longer before the shooting actually starts. I see China, Russia, and N. Korea lining up with Iran.... I see it starting before the next Presidential election, which means there won't BE a next presidential election. I see the Final Battle being somehow fought in Armageddon, a small city in southwestern Iraq.

  4. Anonymous2:53 PM

    WWIII knock-knock joke:

    Who's there?
    Armageddon who?
    Armageddon tired of waiting for the world to end!

    BTW, I also predict that when WWIII happens, it won't be CALLED WWIII. It will be referred to by some Bushco euphemism or other.

  5. WWIII hasn't started quite yet, but we're definitely seeing the warm-ups. The players are on the court doing free-throws. (Don't you love sports metaphors?)

    And no, it won't be called "WWIII" either. I'm think "Global Freedom Initiative" has a very nice ring.

  6. I'd like to see our society's reaction when Bush reinstates the draft. Absolute pandemonium, ladies and gentlemen. Of course, Bush and Rumy will disavow that they ever denied another draft was on the way. Watching these stupid fucks run our country is like watching a couple of clowns run a goddamned circus show. To those of us who are brighter, this state of affairs has long been evident. Unfortunately, most of our country is comprised of brainwashed automatons, people with a capacity for self-awareness which is 2 inches deep, who's grasp on the gravity of things doesn't go beyond how it's taking too long to get the big macs they ordered. They will fall for Bush's bullshit rhetoric in justification of the draft - i.e., that we are going to war in order to free the world from "the tyranny of evil". He will tell them that it is our duty as Americans to pave the way for world peace and democracy. When this monkey business starts I think I'm going to recede into obscurity. I can't deal with this shit anymore. Come find me when this addle-pated fiasco of human stupidity is over.

  7. I'd like to see our society's reaction when Bush reinstates the draft. Absolute pandemonium, ladies and gentlemen. Of course, Bush and Rumy will disavow that they ever denied another draft was on the way. Watching these stupid fucks run our country is like watching a couple of clowns run a goddamned circus show. To those of us who are brighter, this state of affairs has long been evident. Unfortunately, most of our country is comprised of brainwashed automatons, people with a capacity for self-awareness which is 2 inches deep, who's grasp on the gravity of things doesn't go beyond how it's taking too long to get the big macs they ordered. They will fall for Bush's bullshit rhetoric in justification of the draft - i.e., that we are going to war in order to free the world from "the tyranny of evil". He will tell them that it is our duty as Americans to pave the way for world peace and democracy. When this monkey business starts I think I'm going to recede into obscurity. I can't deal with this shit anymore. Come find me when this addle-pated fiasco of human stupidity is over.

  8. Anonymous3:45 PM

    "The Die For Democracy Debacle" sounds kinda catchy, don't you think?

  9. Anonymous8:15 PM


    "You're speaking of Senate Bill 89, introduced by Senator Ernest F. Hollings (D-SC), and House Resolution 163, introduced by Representative Charles B. Rangel (D-NY). Both bills would require two years of military service (or community service for those who are medically unqualified) for every male and female in the United States, between the ages of 18 and 26.

    These are the only two "draft" legislation bills which are currently active. First and foremost, please note that both bills were authored and introduced by Democrats, not Republicans."

    From here:

    I felt like choking Rangel when I heard about this in the news awhile back. Not just because it's the draft but because he's a DEMOCRAT for Crissake! Guess who'll be left holding the bag for the draft. Bush & co.? N-o-o-o-o-o.

  10. "Absolute pandemonium" when the draft becomes reality? Personally, I think we've become too complacent. Pandemonium implies dissent; I think the capacity for dissent is being drained from us. "Support the troops"...
