Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Al Qaeda Preparing for Another Attack in U.S., WMD Use Probable

"Additional efforts to detect, prevent and limit the fallout-effects of a WMD attack continue to progress. Sometime between March 7 and March 21, New York City's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) will release a series of benign gasses around Madison Square Garden to study how air might flow through the city in the event of a terrorist attack with chemical, biological, or radiological agents. Mounting wind-sampling devices throughout the rooftops and sidewalks of midtown Manhattan, the OEM hopes to develop accurate models capable of tracking and forecasting the likely path a wind-driven toxic plume would take should a WMD device be detonated in New York."


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    WMDs -- Wimpy, Mindless Democrats. If you set one, it doesn't go off. It just fizzles.

  2. Well, I guess now that the Schiavo thing backfired on them, they're falling back into their normal routine of just saying scary things.

  3. I agree: more fearmongering. I hesitated to even post this for fear of being perceived as yet another shill, but I thought the portion I quoted was interesting.

  4. ...ah... "plume"... makes it almost sound pleasant.
