Monday, April 04, 2005

Have you been keeping up with India Daily's breaking UFO coverage? I love their approach: no citations, lots of "conehead" verbiage and daring leaps of technological deduction leavened with a bit of New Age paranoia.

Porting extraterrestrial UFO technologies in designing next generation light combat aircrafts (LCAs)

"The defense engineers' ultimate goal is to provide the country world's best designed and equipped fighter aircrafts that can defend the sky above the nation. Reverse engineering extra-terrestrial UFO technologies is what many countries have used to produce world-class fighter aircrafts, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. The same technologies have also helped in providing the accurate guidance needed to make the devices deadly."

Mind control techniques used by extraterrestrial UFOs provide clues for the ultimate weapon in warfare – mind dominance!

"Charged ions in the environment when allowed to bombard the brain cells in a sinusoidal oscillating pulse, creates a strange effect that is still undefined. Some hypnotherapies involve subjecting the human brain to such pulses in a more direct way. Complex computer algorithms can control the sinusoidal oscillations with varying the amplitude to create an environment of communication between the controlling source and the receiving mind. Appropriate complex adjustments as a function of time allow mind control and dominance."

All human beings receive extraterrestrial UFO mind control signals

"Some UFO researchers believe that there are reasons that human beings in different parts of the world though not in any physical communications with each other have developed same technologies in different parts of the world. Pyramids and similar looking structures were built thousands of years back in Central America and Egypt. Similar technologies are discovered in different parts of the world at the same time. These UFO researchers believe that the human beings - all of us guided by extraterrestrials through artificial mind control mechanisms experience these techniques."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:58 AM

    To read India Daily is to roll one's eyes.
