Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Hey! Remember this guy?

(Found by Sauceruney at Boing Boing.)

I think the dog-tracing is plausible, but far from a slam-dunk.


  1. It's an E.B.E. wearing a dog suit. Jeez, hasn't anyone ever watched MIB?

  2. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Who let the dogs out?
    Woof, woof woof woof woof...

    Yeah, I saw that. I don't know that I really feel he made his case. It's such a crappy little drawing overlay that he did (like so many anomalist overlays) that is not only ugly but doesn't look to me like it is particularly accurate.

    Sure, it might be that a little dog just happened to contort itself in that way for the 60th of a second needed, and Occam's Gillette would say that it's more likely. But why would a tiny little dog happen to be scampering up a bridle path between some bloody great huge horses? They don't have room for much in the way of brains, but presumably they know not to put themselves in the way of getting clobbered.

  3. Anonymous9:39 PM

    In the original, the head looks more like a pig's to me, with that snout. (It often strikes me that the Pig People are taking over.)

  4. Pig People! Run! Run for your lives!

  5. I can't not see the dog now. His "hind haunches" look like he just finished taking a dump.

  6. Anonymous1:30 AM

    I still have trouble seeing a dog. I think it looks like a somewhat hunched humanoid walking towards the right, with one arm stretched out and a head that expands backwards and upwards. Might be due to a lack of contrast though - it's much easier for me to see the dog on the other site instead of in the picture on this site. The nose seems to have vanished here.
