Monday, April 25, 2005

I figure I better post this before Bruce Sterling does . . .

(Found at Chapel Perilous.)


  1. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I like the idea of a statue with an organic brain. It makes one wonder when it will be feasable to move onto morally questionable grounds such as putting dog's brain in a living statue? It would be cruel and unusual true, but would it be art?

    I really stopped in to comment on the occurance of the number 23. Tank Girl comics from way back when were flagrent abusers of the number 23. The author once wrote a particularily satisfying explanation for this that could be applied to the phenomenon at large:

    "In the I-CHING (the book of changes) the number 23 is the pattern of chaos/breaking apart/entropy. In TANK GIRL the number 23 is a ruse for driving
    paranoid cocaine-addicts to suicide."

  2. Anonymous6:57 AM

    that is seriously cool!

  3. I think this thing would be cool even if it wasn't interactive.
