Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I'm going to share an idea with you. It may or may not be true. All I know for certain is that the person who told me about this is credible, and I sincerely doubt he/she was making it up.

According to my unnamed source, some crop circles are created by lasers beamed from satellites. Why? I don't think my source was at all sure, although we briefly speculated. A psy-ops experiment? Social conditioning? Who knows?

The famous "blown nodes" found among the stalks of so-called "genuine" crop glyphs would tend to support an energetic origin -- specifically, microwaves. A properly equipped satellite in orbit over the fields of Britain (or wherever) could "paint" a design in a flash of radiation, heating crops in a desired pattern and causing the anomalous effects noted by researchers.

Keep in mind that most crop formations are produced with little more than ropes, boards and possibly GPS gear. Others aren't as easily dismissable. If the scenario above is correct, then someone with access to SDI-type technology appears to have an interest in perpetuating the crop circle mythos for unknown reasons.

One far-out possibility is that some circles really are alien (although not necessarily in the extraterrestrial sense) and the satellite-painted circles are "responses" concocted by some cabal of scientists -- the cereological equivalent to the mythical MJ-12. A dialogue could be taking place, effectively masked by a dependable smokescreen of bogus claims, shoddy hoaxes, and the ever-present will to believe.

So there you go. You didn't hear it from me.


  1. The microwave laser theory has been one of my favorites for a few years now. It's hard to support -- there's nothing but rumor to support the notion that such sattelites even evist, of course.

    Nonetheless, it makes a kind of human sense. What if you were the geek who was running the thing, late at night, and you're bored? Wouldn't you be tempted to engage in a little graffiti? I know I would.

    And if you are a geek, which a person in that position would surely be, then fractals would be a natural for maximal mystery.

    There is precedent -- lots of it. There have been many times when testing secret aircraft, particularly the ultra-quiet aircraft, that pilots have spooked locals just for laughs.

  2. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I don't think we are at the point where we are in a position to state that "most" crop circles are fake.

    This article by Freddy Silva makes a persuasive case for the use of sound rather than microwaves. I was interested to find a lot of emphasis on cymatics, as I'd been working with one of my daughters last week on a science fair project, and she'd hoped to do something based on cymatics.

    The Gerald Hawkins geometrical work (linked within the first page of the article) would suggest that if these are made by humans, someone is deciding to encode them with mathematics on a far higher level than dirty tricks practitioners or your average psyops agent.


  3. I am a total skeptic when it comes to crop circles. I think there are some groups out there that are doing this for fun and that is all there is to it. The designs are interesting and continue to get more elaborate, suggesting some competition among the groups. The designs appear very human and not alien at all to me.

    The fact that they can be done by humans with very little technology means it is not reasonable to believe in any other origin.

  4. Mac,

    Where did your friend get his/her information?

  5. One of the aides involves with the Rockefeller-funded UFO study.

  6. Anonymous5:04 PM

    It seems wonderful that you share information like this, like a great virtue!

    Thanks, I tell everyone everything important as soon as I can so I don't have to remember anything, and I think it's one of the smartest things I've ever done.

    I have a whole network of people around me every day doing the same thing now, great stuff.

    Thanks again, I love how this seems!

  7. Well Mac. This makes sense. I heartily wish some people would use common sense and responsibility in doing 'pheonoma' to counfound poor ol homo sap, but restraint was never our long suite. Well, why not. We gots lasers, microwaves, stuffs, and it explains the 'cooking' in the wheat stalk.(or whatever stalk) -- I'd love to believe aliens and UFO's but this is too human, if you would ask me. Smacks of our species all over it. I love crop circles, I think they are beautiful. Just wish -- *sigh!* oh please people, stop with the hoaxes and practical jokes? Smile! Karen

  8. Anonymous8:46 PM

    It seems most of us agree that the crop circles are of human origin -- some kind of secret expriment, whether psy-ops or something more elegant and intellectually sophisticated. I've heard that at least one of them has been mathematically "decoded." And one theory on how they're created that I saw on the Web was by using controlled artificial ball lightning. (Sorry I don't have the sources for these handy.) It seems certain (to me, anyway) that they are definitely NOT created either by ETs or by rural hoaxers pulling weights around on boards with ropes.

  9. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Re the mathematical sophistication of the circles, I think the British intelligence agencies tend to be, well, a bit more intelligent and intellectually oriented (Oxbridge types and all that) than their American counterparts.
