Saturday, April 09, 2005

Same-sex marriage foes set broader agenda

"The Rev. Terry Fox of Wichita, one of the primary supporters of the same-sex marriage ban, said Christians have been energized by the debate over same-sex marriage and they are eager to flex their political muscles.

"'This has awakened the body of Christ,' Fox said.

"Fox helped turn defeat of the amendment in the Legislature in 2004 to victory for his side at the polls Tuesday night. The amendment passed by 70 percent to 30 percent.

"'We never dreamed we would have this margin of victory,' he said.

"Next in his sights, he said, is 'keeping an eye on evolution and abortion clinics.'" (Via Busy, Busy, Busy.)

A madhouse, I tell you.


  1. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Would have been funnier if the Rev. Terry Fox of Wichita had said, "This has aroused the body of Christ."

  2. The frightening thing is that I effectively down the street from these clowns.

  3. Anonymous2:15 PM

    And the depressing thing is the size of the majority vote. People seem to be buying into this fundamentalist fantasy shit in a big way.

  4. Anonymous2:38 PM

    never have so many thought so little about so twist a phrase...

    sigh...i wish people would be taught to think more often than taught how to fit in the system and not make waves.
