Sunday, May 15, 2005

Here's an intriguing response to my post on aliens attempting to breach the "consciousness barrier," submitted to the UFO UpDates list.


  1. That response said:

    The point is - we know we've never been able to see 'reality' and aren't seeing 'reality' now.

    Indeed, this is the fundamental principle that all forms of magic(k) have in common.

    I would even extrapolate this a bit. once we accept that we interpolate 99% of what we "know" about reality, we see that when we talk about reality, more often than not we are actually talking about the symbols we use to represent reality.

    Are there really little green/gray men that run around? Perhaps so. But what we think those beings are is mostly an artifact of our belief systems.

    In the not so distant past, people didn't get abducted by aliens, they got abducted by fairies. It fit the symbology of the times. Now, it's extraterrestrials. It fits the symbology of the times.

    It's probably fair to say that the fairy explanation was not entirely the correct one. It's probably also fair to say that the standard extraterrestrial explanation is equally faulty.

  2. As technology has progressed, so has our apparent understanding of these entities... but is it we alone who are shaping the experience?
    In sombunall accounts there appears an inherent give and take between what 'abductees' are told by their hosts, and what they understand (are able to communicate) and report (remember accurately or report in detail without applying filters) in the end... like trying to remember and tell someone a dream. Some witnesses are better than others, so if we are to advance our theories and understanding of these encounters, we might need to strengthen the memory and lucid-dreaming skills of our entire race, in addition to their language skills.

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Those P.E.A.R. results also show that 'anti-psi' lab workers
    tend to 'turn-off' psi/P-K effects, but small intimate groups of
    believers, or large 'charismatic' groups actually amplify
    physical, real, anomalous effects (even when attendees don't
    know there's an experiment running). Think what those _physical_
    changes could do to the brain networks of a really large
    assembly of believers!

    Extremely interesting. I've often wondered if psi-effects could be amplified, possibily by many orders of magnitude, using "networked psychics" in this way. (Maybe they'd all stand in a circle and hold hands or something? Well, there you have your basic occult group ritual!)

  4. Anonymous1:06 AM

    much too esoteric for our button-down world
    but so true

    rock on you guys

    this wrld nds a little more magic(k)

  5. This can't have effect in actual fact, that's exactly what I suppose.
