Wednesday, May 04, 2005

How ETs Control Abductees

"Now scientists have found that they can put mice (an animal that does not regularly hibernate) into a state of suspended animation by exposing them to hydrogen sulfide gas, the gas that produces the 'rotten egg' smell. This is big news for people interested in the possibility of alien life, because abductees universally report encountering that exact smell during their encounters with ETs."

Actually, the smell of sulfur isn't exactly "universal." And I personally doubt that aliens are putting people into suspended animation . . . and even if they did, I'd be surprised to find them using something as crude as hydrogen sulfide. If abductions are real events, then they're typically pretty brief; two hours seems to be around the average time spent by abductees aboard alien craft (or inside underground bases, or wherever). And if abductees are placed in hibernation, as suggested by the Unknown Country article, then how are they able to recount their experiences in such nuanced detail (whether through conscious recall or hypnosis)?

It's more likely the strange smells that accompany "abductions" are like those experienced by some epileptics prior to seizures. Which begs the question: Are abduction/encounter experiences hallucinatory, or does proximity to an alien presence sometimes "scramble" the brain's electrical operation, resulting in such things as phantom odors?

Quick note: Since I wrote the above, Unknown Country has modified its article to clarify that aliens might use some form of hydrogen sulfide gas to render humans unconscious prior to abduction -- not during. Maybe. I could elaborate endlessly on this theme (for example, the level of technology seen aboard UFOs seems far in advance of chemical anesthesia), but I'll refrain from revising my original response.


  1. Perhaps they stroke us on the nose and hypnotize us the way we are learning to do with sharks.

  2. Anonymous10:15 PM

    bsti -- You make a good point. Abductions may not necessarily be EITHER physical OR SP (or other "psychologically explainable" experiences). They may be BOTH. I know some researchers have tried to develop so-called "objective" criteria for determining which experiences are which. The problem is, I don't see any way short of the proverbial landing on the White House Lawn (or frying of the White House itself as in "Independence Day") to really verify ANY UFO phenomena, whatever their origin. After decades of research, still about all we can really say at this point is yup, people have abduction experiences.

  3. I'm tired of "either/or." It's as if the quantum revolution never happened. Things can be more than one thing at one time.

  4. Yes, I agree. Just because you have Sleep Paralysis, doesn't mean you haven't been nabbed and probed.
