Saturday, May 28, 2005

I saw a completely motionless, awkwardly postured guy on a bench in this park. He looked dead -- really. If he wasn't, he was doing a considerably better job at faking being inanimate than the Mute Love Goddess of a few days ago (who, incidentally, had set up shot again today to the delight of a rather large crowd).

If memory serves, there's something kind of like this guy inside the Ministry of Information from Terry Gilliam's "Brazil."


  1. OMyGodMac! Look up in the windzo! 4 ORBZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ereereeee! OOOOOOO! Awooooo!
    Hey Mac, how about a shot of an underground style internet cafe in this city you are vizen? You know, the ones with the grovy Goth girls and the guys in the black London Fog coats.

  2. Once you married her that mute mime stick would be over in a hurry…”take out the trash, where you been? still working that dead end job? What makes you think you’re so smart? You don’t really love me, and on and on…bleh blaa bla belah bela bleh!”

  3. I think she's weirdly alluring, too. Maybe that's the point. If I see her again I might attempt communication. Through hand gestures or something. I hear mimes are really impressed by the old "glass box" number.

  4. Gerald--

    Your critera for "orbs" are even more leniant than those of typical believers! :-)

  5. Why can I not see anything other than a tree and grass in the first pic? I don't see a woman... I don't see anyone.

  6. She's not in the tree picture. Scroll down the main screen a bit; you can't miss her.
