Tuesday, May 03, 2005

In the Stars: Is There Life On Titan?

"Last Jan. 14, during its descent to Titan and brief lifetime on the surface, the European Huygens probe snapped a rather striking photo.

"For one thing, it revealed the moon's landscape looking amazingly like a shoreline bordered by rolling, snow-covered hills. Of course, the ocean and snow, if it existed, would have been composed of methane.

"Also appearing in the photo, however, is a structure consisting of two straight sides joined at a point, like a very large, v-shaped wall.

"The image is rather fuzzy and, no doubt, there is some logical explanation for the feature that does not involve the Titanian equivalent of China's Great Wall.

"Still, the intriguing thought remains: Did Huygens casually capture and transmit the first photograph of an alien artifact?"

Remember that this isn't the first "Great Wall" discovered by the Cassini mission. Iapetus boasts a massive equatorial "wall" that defies natural models.

Iapetus' equatorial bulge. Has someone re-engineered Saturn's moons?

What, I wonder, are the odds of two Saturnian moons harboring giant wall-like anomalies?


  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I remember noticing that "wall-like" structure when the Huygens descent photos were first released(note the article did not include this pic). In fact, based on posts on various boards, it seemed a lot of people noticed this anomaly. Of course, there was the usual official silence on the matter. Could Titan have been a terraforming (or martiforming!) project that failed?

  2. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Hoagland was recently on Coast To Coast AM with George Noory (Thursday), seemed to hint at - what seemed to me - "press silence because there's big news to be released about proof of life maybe on Titan" --- That's what I got out of it, seems he thinks there's gonna be a "life elsewhere" big news and historical event soon.

    Mac, so far, I dearly love the qualities of the way you share your life; at the moment love the way your life interacts with mine. Thanks!

  3. Re. Hoagland: Interesting -- but then again, when is he *not* predicting imminent paradigm-toppling news from NASA?

    I'm glad you like the blog. It began as a way for me to organize some of my thoughts, so I'm always happy to hear that someone else is enjoying it.

  4. Anonymous12:58 AM

    what will it take?
    really paradigms seem to be awfully resistant to change...

    its like we have to change things catastrophicallly or not at all.

  5. such is the way of things.

  6. Anonymous10:57 AM

    The current NASA paradigms on alien artifacts are worth about $.20 (if you'll pardon the pun), which is not even quite two bits.

  7. Many years ago I made two linked predictions: we will discover life on Mars, and once we find one example of extraterrestrial life, we'll start finding it everywhere.

    It's almost like a natural law: something "cannot be done/found" until the one paradigm-breaker is shown. Then it becomes common. Look at the four-minute mile or extra-solar planets as examples of this.

  8. Anonymous10:20 PM

    johnfen -- Good point. I can remember back when it was considered virtually "impossible" to detect extrasolar planets, at least using earth-based observations. So I think you're right. Discovering life on Mars will open the floodgates, so to speak, to the discovery of ET life -- possibly also alien artifacts and ETI.

  9. Once we finally, conclusively discover life on Mars -- and I have no doubt we will -- exobiology will be *the* field to be in.

  10. jeez... this stuff drives me crazy. Why can't we just get the damn truth already? Why can't we get the pictures that are ACTUAL and unedited - just tell us already! It is getting a little too hard for it to be covered up much longer if there is something out there that they know about but aren't telling.
    What will we do, once we know for sure? Think a lot of the 'believers' will go through a serious bout of denial?
    I do. I think once we get it confirmed it will scare the shit out of a lot of people who proclaimed belief in it prior to the confirmation. I know it will scare the shit out of me...
