Thursday, May 05, 2005

Michael ("I'm more Skeptical Than You") Shermer has an article forthcoming in "Scientific American." In it, he attempts to debunk 9-11 conspiracy theories. Since Shermer feels comfortable "debunking" the entirety of the UFO phenomenon by harping on the dubious provenance of the "alien autopsy" footage, I think it's safe to expect him to dodge any potentially incendiary 9-11 issues with the same field-tested "straw man" approach.

Not at all surprisingly, Shermer has founded his career as a card-carrying "skeptic" by firing away at incredibly easy targets such as Holocaust "revisionism" and "intelligent design." So don't say I didn't warn you.


  1. Anonymous1:47 AM

    We must remember, the reflective sphere has a self generating control mechanism, one that influences the minds caught in its field, and strives for nothing more then the destruction of those who are free.
    This Shermer minion you talk about has very little of his original cosmic essence left, that energy wave that makes us what/who we are, it has been broken down by the malice of the transdimensionals. All that is left is a vile corrupted hatememe energy grid, clustered around what’s left of poor Michaels original face.

  2. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Good CSICOP, bad CSICOP -- M.S. is probably the latter. I've been wincing and groaning my way through his columns for years and all they've taught me is to be skeptical of this style of skepticism.

  3. I hate what's happened to the once-noble term "skeptic". Once upon a time a skeptic was a kind of scientist -- someone who was open to an idea, but unwilling to treat it as fact until he failed to find other explanations.

    Now, a skeptic is is a debunker. Totally different breed of animal.

    It's like when the word "hacker" went from being a noble and good thing, to being a criminal.
