Tuesday, May 24, 2005

An Occult Translation of the Roswell Event: Count down to 2012

"The crash and destruction of the sophisticated flying vehicle with occupants, according to reports, seemed an unplanned disaster. It is exactly because of this appearance that researchers speculated that American radar, used in missile tracking experiments at white Sands testing grounds near Roswell, some how brought the extraterrestrial vehicle down. However, if the message at Roswell is more than a strange mathematical coincidence, this would also suggest that the crash was staged and the vehicle's occupants sacrificed. By appearing as an accident, the last thing one would look for is a message deposited in the crash location itself."

As far-out as this essay is, I happen to agree that the Roswell Incident -- if it involved a nonhuman craft -- could very well have been deliberate . . . and not necessarily the work of alien suicide pilots. If a nonhuman presence wanted to draw attention to itself, the "sacrificial offering" of a UFO might have involved synthetic alien bodies. And intriguingly, some testimony suggests the aliens weren't organic in the usual sense, but (to use Dr. Robert Sarbacher's term) "instruments."

More interesting is this essay's contention that the Roswell crash conveys an esoteric message by referencing "33." I'm reminded of the declassified Air Force document that describes the crash of three flying discs -- each containing three humanoid occupants. Synchronicity or more alleged occult significance?


  1. Who knows something about numerology that can tell what the significance of 33 is? I don't think it's a master number... but I am not a numerologist either. But, I did read something about the Mayan calendar ending on 12-21-12. Which would be 3-3-3, or all total a 9 [which is 3x3]. Maybe a connection somehow? Supposedly, the earth has either a MAJOR earth event on 12-21-12 that:
    1)ends the earth, or 2)causes a new regeneration [?] of the earth as we know it.

    It's too early this morning for my brain to really be oiling its gears yet....

  2. hmm. I don't know if you want that to be a good thing, or a bad thing?
