Thursday, May 26, 2005

Paul Kimball has launched The Rense Watch, an admirable and overdue effort to track the depressingly frequent anti-Semitic vibes spread by late-night radio host Jeff Rense.

In Kimball's words: "Jeff Rense, on his radio show and at his website,, provides Holocaust deniers, neo-Nazis, and anti-Semites with a platform for their dangerous and despicable views. As a shield, Rense claims that he is merely defending their freedom of speech."

The Rense Watch is unlikely to win Kimball too many friends . . . or so it may seem. I hope I'm proven wrong.


  1. Mac:

    They're not friends I would want to have.


  2. Rense doesn't post articles at random, he makes choices about what he wants his readers to read. Anyone who is familiar with his website knows that for many of the hot button issues he features there are no articles which might give a different perspective.

    All these noises about free speech and allowing his readers to make up their minds with a diverse range of source material are just empty proclamations. Watch what he does, not what he says.
