Saturday, May 07, 2005

Ufologist Karl Pflock (writing in the "Saucer Smear"):

"On February 11, I was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Cehrig's [sic] disease. There is no cure (yet) for this inevitably fatal condition. Most ALSers shuffle off this mortal coil three to six years after diagnosis, though a good proportion carry on for ten years or so, and a few much longer (physicist Stephen Hawking has been living with ALS since the 1960s). I'm in the care of Dr. John Chapin, an ALS expert at the University of New Mexico School of Medecine [sic], in a program conducted in cooperation with the Muscular Distrophy [sic] Association's ALS Division. I will soon begin participating in a clinical trial of a drug that has been very effective against ALS in laboratory mice. Let's hope it works as well or better in humans. If not, my backup plan is to become the first recorded case of spontaneous remission. (MJ-12 and the Elders of Ufoology won't get rid of me this easily!)"

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