Tuesday, May 24, 2005

US military to build four giant new bases in Iraq

"US military commanders are planning to pull back their troops from Iraq's towns and cities and redeploy them in four giant bases in a strategy they say is a prelude to eventual withdrawal."

"A prelude to eventual withdrawal." In English: We're not going anywhere.


  1. So... we're closing major bases here, and building them there? That DOES NOT make ANY sense to me!!!

  2. It's all part of the Pax Americana strategy laid out several years ago by the Neocons as part of The Project for the New American Century.

    I'm not surprised at all by this move as it's been layed out for years. I'm not even surprised there is no mention in the American Press nor any American outcry, as the Empire is moving ahead quite smoothly and the sheeple have already...ooo Brittney has a reality show!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. "BTW, I haven't seen any mention of this House vote in the standard media."

    There's a reason for that.
