Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A World Without Depression

"Of course, some people romanticize depression and worry that we'll somehow lose something essential to our natures if depression is vanquished. I'd encourage those folks to read Kramer's essay, There's Nothing Deep About Depression. For myself, as someone who's seen depression utterly destroy the lives of several people I love, I'd be happy to see untreated depression made as obsolete as smallpox."

I agree . . . although there's something disquieting about a world without Morrissey.


  1. My concern with antidepressants is that we may all become "Stepford Wives", if they are overused. Deep sorrow and depression really should be a part of life. You cannot appreciate the ups if you never experience the lows. Of course, clinical depression that people cannot pull themselves out of should be treated, but we need to have some concern of the potential for going too far with this.

    Also, there is no drug without side effects. There is always some trade-off to be made in taking medication. I think too often the side effects are ignored or not properly taken into account when medications are prescribed.

  2. Mac:

    A world without Morrissey!


