Tuesday, June 14, 2005

According to unconfirmed rumors, the following picture was taken by one of the Mars Exploration Rovers.

Apocalyptic-looking, isn't she? But "apocalyptic" in a good way.


  1. Mac said: I try to post funny stuff here occasionally.

    Case in point.

  2. jeez, at first I thought it was Elvis' daughter [Lisa]...

    good for a laugh though Mac, thanks

    goes to show space junk does in fact land on other planets...


  3. "Devil Girl From Mars"?

  4. Why does a nice intellectual post like “New NASA chief begins major shake-up”, only get one or two comments, but post some scantily clad crumpet and look at the crowds gather!

    Mac’s got a little bit of the carnival barker in him, when our attention starts to drift from the important cutting edge stuff; he knows how to get us fixated right back on the ol monitor and paying close attention!

    PS ever see the Monty Python TV show where they do the bit where the mars Lander sends back TV shots of a hot English girl running across the landscape…those boys were so far ahead of their time!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. above post deleted by razorsmile

    Gerald T said:
    Why does a nice intellectual post like “New NASA chief begins major shake-up”, only get one or two comments, but post some scantily clad crumpet and look at the crowds gather!

    Because Mac doesn't have enough female fans, that's why! :D

    ergo, post a hot chick and they will come.

  7. "Mac is King!"

    King of *what*, exactly?


    I believe the spots are some of the dirt she is crawling in... not to imply she is a dirty girl.
    From the look on her face, I am sure she must be a virgin. This is also apparent from the fact she is wearing clothes, unlike some of the women that have appeared here.

  9. Those aren't "clothes." Those are "accessories."

  10. I think this picture subliminally implies a female who is burning with lustful desire; note the fiery background, her posture (like a hunting cat) and the predatory look of hunger on her face. Believe it or not, ladies, this sort of picture actually turns us guys on...lol

    Mac, are you sure this picture wasn't taken on Venus rather than Mars??

  11. "Mac, are you sure this picture wasn't taken on Venus rather than Mars??"

    Maybe that's why NASA is quick to tell us that Venus is a hellhole planet with sulphuric acid rain -- they're covering up a population of lustful vixens!

  12. That movie was actually a documentary.
