Friday, June 03, 2005

Ahem. It seems I was mistaken in thanking Kate Moss for saving me from getting soaked the other day. I'd left the rain-battered issue of "W" in my car and used it again tonight as I dashed across the street from the parking garage. But before I did I noticed something: It's Gisele Bundchen on the cover. There had been two issues of "W" available -- one featuring Kate -- and for some reason I'd assumed that was the one I'd briefly used as an umbrella.

So there you have it. Thanks for nothing, Kate.


  1. I've actually used that picture here once before, so I suppose I'm "cheating" by posting it again...

  2. It appears to me that by blind luck you chose the right magazine. Head for Vegas and you will be rich in a day.

  3. "German-Brazilian genetic engineering at its best!"

    Ha! Why isn't New Scientist on the story? ;-)

  4. Another nice black & white...

    I know, contain your shock.

  5. cyn, what happened to your blog? I thought it was hilarious!

  6. Ken, you can email me at for an updated link. [or ask Mac for it, he's got it too]

    And thanks for reading... I have more than 4 readers? wow!

  7. Cyn--

    I take it you still want it off my sidebar? Give me the word and I'll put it back on.

  8. ok, ok, ok... link me... I just can't stand to be away from your SIDEbar for so long! heehee
