Sunday, June 26, 2005

As promised, I'm keeping Posthuman Blues mostly free of Roswell/Unit 731/alien autopsy commentary for the immediate future. But for anyone who wants to watch the drama unfold in all its mud-slinging (and occasionally lucid) glory, I recommend subscribing to UFO UpDates, the Net's premiere UFO mailing list (diligently moderated by Errol Bruce-Knapp). You can view the latest 100 posts by clicking the picture above.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Zabba -

    A better response might have been..."learn to debate". *g*

    The weakness in the AA video for me is the sense that gravity doesn't seem to work on this corpse as it does others. Since the flesh is obviously not "stiff" as the folding back of the abdominal flesh shows, why does the corpse not reflect a "flattening" or droopiness where the flesh rests on the table?

    Having worked in a film processing lab where autopsy photos were routinely processed and printed (along with medical examiner/coroners office crime scene photos) there is a marked "sagging" in a body that is dead, even moreso than a living body that is unconscious.

    Lie down on your kitchen table, and have someone photograph you. You will note that your body flattens against the table wherever gravity can overcome the tension of connective tissue.

    Now imagine your body with no blood pressure, heartbeat, or any of the processes that make a human body resist gravity, and you would see a much "flatter" look stiil.

    Note the section where one of the "dr.s" lifts the raises in a unified sagging or "mushy" indentations where the hands actually lift the leg. Now visualize a dead human body being handled...the limbs are little more than "waterbags", and evey touch results in an impression, and when the limb is returned to the table, the flesh spreads out flat against the table. No evidence of this appears in the video. In other words, where a human corpse is best described as a huge, very heavy water balloon, (ask a funeral worker how easy it is to pick up a corpse), and then look at the "aliens" handling, and how easy it would be to pick up this "alien". It looks more and more like a prop.

    The lack of this sagging, in contrast to its apparent suppleness, tells me we are seeing a model. Not even a very good one.

    Now, the only argument that I could accept to counter this very well-established effect of death would be a case that the body is not human, and possesses properties not found in humans. Unfortunately, the "evidence" for this thesis falls far short of "conclusive", IMHO.

    My conclusion...the subject of the alien autopsy is a model...a too-stiff, gravity defying rubber prop...unless and until further evidence to the contrary makes itself apparent.

    At this late date, I doubt it will.


