Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bob Shell, with whom I've been discussing the "alien autopsy" on UFO UpDates, offers Opitz trigonocephaly (see diagrams) as a possible explanation for the so-called "Starchild" skull.

According to the website, "Opitz trigonocephaly syndrome is characterized by trigonocephaly, upslanting palpebral fissures, hypoplastic nasal root, wide alveolar ridges, anomalous and posteriorly angulated ears, loose skin, heart anomaly, and arthrogryposis (distal). The head size is normal at birth but fails to grow postnatally."


  1. I wonder if Shell has contacted Lloyd Pye to see if some of the people he has worked with have had the Opitz hypothesis come up, and what the response was?

    How the hell has Bob Shell managed to get a 3-D effect with the texts on his front page?!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. WM Bear,

    in re:

    "2)...it lead to a strong "convergence" with human evolution".

    Perhaps the alien species is an evolutionary "divergence" from a common root or source millenia ago. We would then logically be the primitive or younger branch, what with our "fur", small craniums, and low level ot technological development.

    This would suggest that we are all in fact aliens biologically. The question then becomes...where did the original "humanoids" come from?

    I must agree with your percentages table. While I feel more strongly for the "dummy" explanation, I fully recognize that many out there are convinced that it is at least an organic being, wherever it may come from.

    I'll add that when Bob Shell posted to Updates that he could find no photos of Opitz or C Syndrome on the web, I located two links and passed them on to him, both of which he cited in his post. The clinical one with the skull x-rays seemed a very close match to Pye's star child, and I mentioned that in passing.

    On further examination of Opitz literature however, I'm not convinced of a link between Opitz and the star child skull...but it sure seemed odd that out of a search for data to assist a discussion of Roswell, a potential revelation sprang forth on a completely different subject.

    Perhaps there is much more to be discovered about our government's history of human experimentation...perhaps going back much longer than anyone thought, and perhaps involving many other controversial topics.

    At any rate, your analogy with Star Trek is most apt. Of course, Star Treks Roddenberry & co. created the "common root" idea to hide the fact that a small budget does not fund a "creature of the week" for long. Fortunately, it WILL buy plenty of blue pancake and crepe hair. The result was an imaginative and memorable "melting pot", indeed.


  4. As I recall the preliminary lab work on the Starchild had indicated that at least the mother's line was homo sapiens.

  5. WMB--

    I think your percentages are in the ballpark. I still suspect Shell is overlooking some characteristics of progeria. I hope to share my findings with him shortly. Fortunately he's being a good sport about this, which can't be said about a lot of "experts." We may just learn something...

  6. Anonymous2:14 AM

    So.... now that the autopsy was faked, what to do with your life now...

  7. Well, I don't really suppose this is likely to have effect.

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