Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Center for the Study of Life in the Universe

"We live in an awesome universe, rich in remarkable, complex, phenomena. Every advance in our observing capabilities reveals new and often unpredicted objects, such as other planetary systems, and processes in the universe. Of all these phenomena, the most marvelous, and at the same time of the greatest interest to us as human beings, is life in the universe. How many planets exist which might support life? Indeed, what is required for life to exist? How does life start? How does it evolve, and what fabulous creatures can evolution produce? How often do intelligent creatures appear in the giant tapestry of life?"

I have little or no doubt that we share the Cosmos with other intelligent beings; in fact, I think it's very likely that we've already been visited, either by ETs themselves or their robotic emissaries . . . if such a distinction can be drawn. If we have indeed been visited by extrasolar aliens, the prospect that we're still under ET surveillance can't be readily dismissed. Perhaps not surprisingly, some of the UFO data seems to indicate an ongoing extraterrestrial presence on our planet, albeit of an exceedingly enigmatic nature.

But while I'm sympathetic to the idea of flesh-and-blood aliens visiting from afar, I'm unsure if the extraterrestrial hypothesis (as popularly conceived) is the best explanation for the many encounters with apparent aliens that litter our folklore. John Keel, a controversial proponent of "ultraterrestrial" visitation, thinks our so-called visitors inhabit Earth alongside us, originating from different levels of a "superspectrum" of consciousness.

Keel's many critics within the UFO community equate the concept of meddling ultraterrestrials with medieval demonology; Keel himself has dubbed ufology a "demonology of the 20th century" with no irony intended. Interestingly enough, Jacques Vallee -- who by and large enjoys the respect of scientifically inclined UFO researchers -- has presented ideas basically similar to Keel's, even if they differ on certain theoretical aspects. Most significantly, both share the conviction that the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) is inadequately strange if it's to account for the spectrum of absurdity reported by close-encounter witnesses throughout historical and contemporary times.

In addition, both Keel and Vallee share a pronounced distaste for tales of crashed alien hardware a la Roswell; according to Keel's take, a physical event as pronounced as a crippled UFO is effectively impossible, as his "aliens" are largely immune to dangers posed by the world of gross matter.

Some speculators make the mistake of thinking that the revisionist, postmodern cosmology advanced by Vallee and Keel is incompatible with the hallowed ETH. But in truth both models are anything but mutually exclusive. It's even possible to imagine technological aliens from some distant star developing the ability to access Keel's "superspectrum" for reasons we can only guess.

Aliens? Demons? Labels are inherently limiting, even deceptive. If we're to make sense of our evident heritage of nonhuman visitation, we must dispense with preconceptions, foremost among them the romantic notion that "aliens" are necessarily advanced beings from space.


  1. The idea of other dimensions is a fairly well known and established scientific concept, and its true that it true according to the research that it is very hard for energy/matter to cross to other dimensions, even so, why is It so hard for people to give credence to the concept of awareness shifting between, and or existing across the various levels of reality? After all, no one can as yet say just what conscious awareness is, still hasn’t been defined as energy or matter. No body knows, and yet, I AM.
    Unless the Matrix has a self correcting program built in that prevents thoughts in this area from self sustaining, a built in forgetter that we have to overcome daily…The best way to remember is to think about God first thing in the morning, but this too has been corrupted by the Reflective Sphere in to doctrines and belief systems, hard to find a way out that hasn’t already been blocked off.
    Kind of like the Cab driver in the movie Dark City, “Yea I know how to get to Shell Beach, been there lots of times, first you turn here, no. it’s down there, no …hmmmm

  2. The phenomenon is undeniably physical, yet it can also appear "visionary." It's both and neither, sort of like light being both a wave and a particle. I've been using the term "liminal" to describe this weird state of being.

  3. (I gotta see "Dark City" again. That was a really good one...)

  4. oh... I own Dark City! Come on over and watch it w/me Mac!
