Monday, June 06, 2005

Coming in out of the cold: Cold fusion, for real

"A very reputable, very careful group of scientists at the University of Los Angeles (Brian Naranjo, Jim Gimzewski, Seth Putterman) has initiated a fusion reaction using a laboratory device that's not much bigger than a breadbox, and works at roughly room temperature. This time, it looks like the real thing." (Via The Anomalist.)

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting article. Thanks for leading us to it. I have been trying to follow the cold fusion story for a long time and although the subject has become verboten in the mainstream, a small dedicated group of scientists has continued to pursue cold fusion with Pons and Fleishmann type devices. They have produced replicable experiments with excess energy and have been steadily moving toward making a device that might be useful. I think this alternate approach to cold fusion just shows that it may in fact be possible which will be a large blow to the mainstream fusion people who have been working on and investing so much in ultra-hot fusion for so long.
