Thursday, June 09, 2005

I had these pictures on my hard-drive; now I'm sharing them with you. Viewer discretion advised.

The following photo was used by eWarrior to create my current "publicity photo," which I plan on retiring sooner or later -- although it's served its purpose admirably. This picture makes me look pretty weirded out, but it's not entirely unrepresentative.

I took the following shortly after moving into my current apartment, which would have been in 2000.

Last but not least, here's an early self-portrait -- taken way, way back in 1999 with my then-new Web-cam. That manic look in my eyes is disturbing even to me. And my hair appears to be subtly violating some physical law or another.


  1. Actually, I think your hair like that looks hot!

    of course, I may be a little biased...


  2. What you should really be disturbed about is the fact that these photos consistently show that your head is on crooked. :)

  3. Al-Zarqawi had that same maniac look in his eyes in the alleged video clip of him.

  4. Hi, Zabbadoo --

    Thanks! Nothing like a little aesthetic controversy to get things jumpin'.

  5. Somebody must have taken a shit in Zabbadoo's cherrios this morning.

  6. Zabbadoo doo - you need to go piss on bushes somewhere else - because you mess with Mac, you mess with [LOTS of] Mac Fans! So come in nice, or stay be ugly and be treated like shit...
    This of course is my personal statement, I speak for no one else, but I am sure some agree.

  7. Only a (very) few in my parents' albums. But -- guess what? -- I'm thinking I might do it again!

  8. Mac, I was both surprized and honored that you chose a highly abstract painting as "portrait of the author" on your first book for Simon & Schuster. So, I'm glad to hear you say it "served its purpose admirably." I know it's impossible to find "archives" on my site just now, so here's a link to that portrait.

    MacBot (Singularity)

    Most interesting comment I ever got: "That's demonic, isnt' it?"

  9. I think the purple cast in the first picture might be due to my lava lamp, which was next to my computer when it was taken.

  10. ... the artist as a young man ...

  11. zabbadoo said: Hey hey hey hey hey hey. I have sworn an oath as an "Ain't It Cool News" talkbacker...

    Well, that explains everything :D

  12. razorsmile said: Well, that explains everything :D

    It also explains Kevin Smith's disdain for the forum in the last Jay and Silent Bob flick.

  13. Beautiful photography, Mac! Keep it up.

  14. "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." --Oscar Wilde

    More photos to come!

  15. Everything zabadoo said

    I really don't give a shit. About the photographs or your opinion of them.

  16. Zabadoo - Although you defend your lack of obvious respect for others by stating it is your honesty towards someone who you declare is "thick-skinned" - it is really just your way of excusing yourself and justifying your behavior for being a dick. Mac is at least 1% human, thus probably DOES NOT appreciate being insulted. Thick skin or not.
    And yes, maybe we are a little more thin skinned than you or your perception of Mac... who knows? And does it really matter if we are? It doesn't make us small to defend our FRIEND, when he is someone you have NO connection with. We let him know that he needs a new camera, just read his prior pic posts... but, we don't have to be ugly about it.
    I have no compunction in being far ruder than you when defending him [for any reason] because I respect Mac; I think that he has dirt under his nails with more sense and charm than you will ever hope to have...
    I just think it's unfortunate that the foreskin dangling over your eyes blinds you to what a tool you really are.
    We really don't care what your defense is...
    Take it somewhere else, because the people that know this site don't care about your "honest" opinions when it comes to just being outright useless in your assault. Hell, pick on me, I am pretty good for a debate, plus I am a girl - probably more your style anyway.
    You probably secretly idolize guys who drive old Firebirds and wear those stupid muscle shirts.

    My final assessment of who you are:
    A mullet redneck who envies Mac because he's "cool" and you're not. I mean, how long have you been a blogger? How many posts do you have?
    What is YOUR fan base? Hmmmm....



  17. Well, I guess you told me...
    *quivering in the corner*

    he is postworthy...hmmm...


  18. "wow, it's amazing that you can enunciate so well with your lips attached to Mac's ass. Such spontaneous praise!"

    How do you know whether I'm kissing Mac's ass or if I really mean what I wrote?

  19. "Is there anything else that could possibly have been deduced?"

    Yes, in fact there are many other possibilities which could have been deduced. The timing of my statement could have merely been coincidental, for instance. Or your criticism of Mac's photos may have reminded me that I hadn't yet expressed my appreciation of them. Another possibility is that I wanted to "defend the quality of the photography, which after all was the frigging point" - not in order to kiss Mac's ass, but because I realized that perhaps someone *ought* to speak up in its favor.

    "That the pictures are blurry is an established fact. Personal perferences are subjective, however, and if you like blurry pictures, I don't question the validity of your opinion."

    Personal preferences are subjective? If you don't have an objective criterion by which to judge Mac's photography, your intial criticism thereof was pointless. In effect, all you could say is, "This doesn't suit my particular tastes, so I don't like it." There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to say what you did in the particular manner that you did - unless, of course, it was for the pure reason of being an asshole.

    But why, I wonder, would someone want to get online and be an asshole for the mere sake of being an asshole?

  20. Ah, Zabbadoo -- you have no answer for me? Should the timing and context of your silence lead me inexoriably to the conclusion that you are at a loss to come up with another smart-ass response? In any case, being an asshole for the mere sake of being an asshole - is it "spiritual"? Call it what you will; it actually betrays a lack of intelligence. Your blatant disregard for social grace is evidence that you never quite learned the good sense and *rationale* behind cordiality. Of course, such a conclusion would apply to you only if you were also an asshole in person. If, on the other hand, you are an asshole only online -- are you one of those wimps who wish they could be rude in person, but don't have the balls to do it? Do you feel the need to make up for your innate sense of cowardice by being an asshole behind the safety of your monitor?

  21. It's so rare in this day and age, that someone has the independant spirit and frankly, the balls, to stand apart from the madding crowd, to stand strong and to raise their voice to the heavens to say "nothing!".

    OMG!!111!!! You saw right through me! You are so smart.

    Thanks for throwing in your zero cents worth, there, genius. Jesus, it's like your parents never even taught you how to properly get pointlessly mired in a useless flamewar on the internet.

    I'm sure someone somewhere thinks you're hilarious. Perhaps when I have the time, I'll track down said person and have 'em shot.

  22. Razorsmile... Can I watch? heehee

    Why is it when guys have nothing left to actually say they attack the "manhood" size of another man? Curious.

    I wish chicks could do that. You bitch, you made me mad, you're stupid and your tits are smaller!

    Neener... that shows 'um!

  23. Zabbadoo,

    "And, seeing as how you came back for more, I can see that you now understand why. Because it's FUN!"

    It's also increasingly annoying, in case you haven't noticed. Let's put an end to it. I'm being nice.

  24. It's why I adore Mac, he is King!

  25. oops, I used the *king* thing again, sorry.
