Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Kansas School Official Calls Evolution 'Fairy Tale'

"A member of Kansas' State Board of Education who's involved in writing new public school science standards calls evolution a 'fairy tale' that's sometimes defended with 'anti-God contempt and arrogance.'

"A newsletter written by board member Connie Morris said students should be taught 'criticism of Darwinism alongside the age-old fairy tale of evolution.'

"In her newsletter, Morris said she's a Christian who believes that the creation account in the Book of Genesis is literally true."

Kansas. Neurotoxins in the air or something. Gotta be.


  1. I'm guessing that out there, there is nothing but sky. You have to believe in God because there has to be an explaination for why YOU are put in the Middle of Fucking Nowhere. Perhaps to battle the Forces of Evil, that has to be it, there is no way Chance has put me in such a desolate hole.

  2. Basically, KS has become the world HQ for Fundies. It's kind of distressing living so close to the laughing-stalk of the thinking world.
