Thursday, June 09, 2005

Meditation skills of Buddhist monks yield clues to brain's regulation of attention

"The findings suggest that processes particularly associated with one-point meditation--perhaps involving intense attentional focus and the ability to stabilize the mind--contribute to the prolonged rivalry dominance experienced by the monks. The researchers conclude from their study that individuals trained in meditation can considerably alter the normal fluctuations in conscious state that are induced by perceptual rivalry and suggest that, in combination with previous work, the new findings support the idea that perceptual rivalry can be modulated by high-level, top-down neural influences."

This reminds me of shamans who can purportedly create and maintain "tulpas" -- seemingly real people or entities that exist due to subjective belief (shades of the idea that UFOs are part of a "global quantum event").

1 comment:

  1. Not surprisingly, there's a long history of "sex magic."
