Monday, June 20, 2005

Mile-high cellphones may block ET's call

"'It could be a disaster for us,' says Michael Davis, of the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California. 'We have incredibly sensitive radio telescopes - even a single cellphone on a plane 100 miles away could cause pretty serious damage.' That is partly because cellphone signals from the sky could be in a telescope's direct line of sight, unlike signals from phones on the ground."

Another good reason to ban the goddamned things.


  1. Barely relevant. If ET wants to talk to us badly enough, no number of cellphones is going to stop them.

  2. " If ET wants to talk to us badly enough, no number of cellphones is going to stop them."

    Of course *I* agree with you, but we're talking SETI cultists, here.

  3. "I can see some of them still yakking away while being abducted!"

    Sometimes I wonder how we appear to ET's. Maybe they're just here because they get a kick out of watching our antics. lol.
